Can you remove reviews from your TPT store?

Reviews are pretty important on TPT. Many buyers will first check out your store’s rating before buying from you. Naturally, you’ll want all positive ratings, but negative feedback is inevitable.

Sometimes you’ll get bad reviews, like 1 or 2 stars bad. First, know that even the best stores get bad reviews and you can’t make everyone happy.

When you get a bad review, you may want to take some time so that you can respond after you’ve been able to collect yourself. Bad reviews can sting but you really do not want to be rude or snarky. Your responses to reviews are made public for all to see when they visit your store and products.

What if a review is just made up?

But what do you do if a review is unfair or made up? It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes buyers will leave negative feedback on a product they haven’t even downloaded yet or they’ll make a comment that doesn’t even seem to be related to your product.

To determine if a review is unfair, ask yourself:

  • Are they having a technical issue?
  • Is the review extremely vague or unrelated to your product?
  • Did the same buyer leave multiple negative reviews in a short period of time?
  • Does the review contain abusive or inappropriate language?

If you feel the review is unfair, then you should reach out to TPT Seller Support. They will review the review(s) and determine if it’s fair, valid criticism, or unfair negative feedback.

TPT states, “Reviews will be deleted if they:

  1. Focus on technical issues (downloading, software issues, etc)
  2. Contain abusive or inappropriate language
  3. Spam a product’s review section”

Sometimes TPT will side with the buyer. In that case, the review will stand.

There is no way for sellers to delete reviews. If you delete a product, the reviews will still be there in your store’s ‘Ratings and Reviews’ section.

What to do if another seller is review-bombing?

Review-bombing is when someone leaves a bunch of negative feedback in a short period of time. It can be detrimental to your store’s rating and it can be considered harassment.

Unfortunately, there are sellers who use the review system to attack other sellers. If you find yourself in the position of being review-bombed:

  • DO NOT retaliate! This will only escalate the conflict.
  • Gather evidence of the harassment (screenshots of reviews, messages, etc).
  • Contact TPT Support.

If TPT finds the reviews to be abusive, they will remove them. They may also take action against the reviewer.


It is very important to be polite and professional when reviewing and responding to reviews on TPT. Remember that you are operating a business and you that should do so with tact. Treat others how you want to be treated.

Good luck and happy creating!

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